
Clearwater Dog Owners Sued After Dog Attack

The victim of a dog attack in Clearwater is is suing the dog’s owners for alleged negligence and liability.

The male victim filed a complaint on Aug. 16 in the Pinellas Circuit Court, alleging that the dog owners failed to provide their guests with a safe environment.

According to the complaint, the man alleges that he was invited by the dog owners to enter their home on April 17 when he allegedly was attacked by their dog and suffered bodily injury, pain, disfigurement, mental anguish and medical expenses.

The man hold the dog owners responsible for allegedly failing to warn him of the potential risks of serious injury and for allegedly failing to properly supervise the dog.

Every 75 seconds, someone in the U.S. is bitten by a dog. Last year, more than 830,000 dog attack victims required emergency medical care. Under Florida law, the dog’s owner can be held legally responsible for bite injuries even if the dog has never bitten before or exhibited dangerous behavior.

If you or someone you know was hurt in a dog attack, there is a good chance that the dog’s owner will be held liable for the harm incurred. This means that they will likely be required to pay for medical bills, future treatments, lost income, plus monetary damages for your pain and emotional suffering as a result of the dog attack.

Our Clearwater Dog Bite Lawyers at Whittel & Melton have seen the types of life-changing wounds suffered by dog bite victims, including permanent scarring and disfigurement and loss of limbs. We understand the trauma associated with these injuries, which is why we work attentively to help dog bite victims recover full and fair compensation for their suffering.

For a free consultation, please call us today at 727-823-0000 or contact us online.

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